Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Memoirs for Memorial Day

Memoirs 2
Originally uploaded by Pesky Library
"On my last birthday, Jonathan gave me more and better presents than any I have ever given him. From the north, where innocence lives in pristine and frozen purity, comes a cyclone of old feelings. Embarrasment. Financial concern. Shame. Then, from the south, where life is muckier, enter new feelings. Joy. Gluttony. Delight. Pleasure."

(Seeing the Crab: A Memoir of Dying Before I Do, Christina Middlebrook, 1996, p. 165)

This Memorial Day weekend, in addition to commemorating our service men and women, why not indulge in a story of someone's life? We set up a display of very different memoirs right in front of the circulation desk.

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