Monday, May 09, 2011

Finals Looming, Study Tips Blooming

Finals, dreaded finals, are barely a month away. We’ve collected some helpful tips for improving your brain performance. The key, of course, is to keep lots of oxygenated blood rushing up there! To this end exercise breaks are encouraged, along with using stress balls which stimulate pressure points in your palm thereby encouraging release of muscle tension in your arms and increased circulation.
Beware the dangers of multi-tasking! The consensus seems to be that this will only inhibit the brain’s power to draw up and retain information…this will be so perhaps until such time as the next generation’s brain is Darwinistically altered to adapt. In the meantime sign yourself up for one of the numerous web distraction blocker sites such as “SelfControl”,” Freedom”, or “Leechblock”. And don’t miss the article by our own Reed Kennedy in which he tests the impact of listening to music while you study – and it doesn’t look good!

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