Monday, September 15, 2014

Twitter and Help

Good evening Pesky Library students!

We have a couple of cool things to blog and brag about today.

First we brag...we are now on twitter!

We - your super cool, hipster, always helpful librarian friends, are moving into the 21st century social media age. Why is this important to you? Well, first off, there is candy involved. Second, you will have the most up to date access of what is happening in the library and did we mention CANDY!?

Hashtag Chocolate!







Every Monday and Friday we will post a trivia question and if you come into the library with the right answer and the right attitude, you will receive a piece of candy!

Start following the library on twitter!

I also wanted to repost a partial blog that I lost to the ether last week. It was inspired by Dr. Quimby's chapel talk that challenged us to ask, "How can I help?"
The blog was also in remembrance of 9/11 and it seemed apropos for us to ask how we can help each other out. Here in the library, we are always willing to help you out in any manner we can. Just ask! We are a friendly bunch and now you know we have candy...


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