Friday, January 04, 2008

A New Year : A New Challenge

Happy New Year to all! This New Year brings new opportunities to members of the Governor’s Academy as the Green Cup Challenge is well underway. The library has joined the efforts by providing resources on “going green” as pictured in the display. Some of our new titles include: Wake Up and Smell the Planet: the non-pompous, non-preachy grist guide to greening your day (333.72 WAK), Wisdom for a Livable Planet (333.72 MCD), How to Live Well Without Owning a Car (332.024 BAL), Organic, Inc.: natural foods and how they grew (338.171 FRO), North Country (DVD NOR), When the Levees Broke (DVD 976.33 WHE), and Who Killed the Electric Car (DVD 629.22 WHO). For a full listing of the resources on display visit the library’s Flickr Display page. We look forward to adding new resources to the display as the Green Cup Continues in the coming months in hopes of inspiring all who take part!

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