Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Capturing the News as it Happens

Fidel Resigns
Originally uploaded by Pesky Library
Here at the library we are always looking for current event displays, something timely that will utilize parts of the collection that may not always get seen. Yesterday brought about such a display when we learned that Fidel Castro, leader of Cuba for 49 years was resigning. It was a good day to whip up a display and Ms. Toumayan quickly got to work on the visuals, Castro’s letter of resignation and other facts from the news story of the day. Ms. Chase pulled together the collection of DVDs and books, and in a blink of the eye the display was up for visitors to browse. Some of the materials from the display include, Fidel: the untold story (DVD 972.91 FID), Moments with Fidel (DVD 972.91 MOM), Fidel: a critical portrait (972.91 SZU) and A Contemporary Cuba Reader (972.91 CON) . A listing of all the materials on display can be found in the display set in Flickr.

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